How can my company maximize our fundraising?

There's a lot your business can do to engage your customers and employees! The first step is to open a fundraising page so everyone can see the results of your giving.
But there are more methods you can incorporate to help make your page successful, too:
  • Post a progress chart in the office where everyone can see it. Include a sheet with brief details about why the project is important to you. Invite everyone to join you to reach your goal!
  • Make business cards with your logo and a link to your fundraising page. Give them to your clients/customers and share your efforts. 
  • If you have employees, start an incentive for giving. It doesn't need to be elaborate! Maybe casual dress days, parking space privileges, or extended lunches.
  • Use your social networks -- Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. -- to increase your efforts by including personal and professional contacts. We also have tips on how to maximize your influence.
  • Start a matching grant. If your company matches charitable giving, inform your employees so they can take advantage of the program! 

If your business is interested in taking more substantial action, please email us to set up a time when we can explore further how your company can make an impact.

Note: The Water Project logo may only be used with expressed permission as outlined in a formal partnership agreement.

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