We were founded by Christ-followers who believe Jesus has made an unambiguous call to "provide a cup of cold water" and to answer the needs of those who say, "I am thirsty" (Matt 25).
That said, it's important to note that we work with everyone, for everyone. Our belief motivates our action; it doesn't limit our reach. It forms the basis of our integrity and the assurance that lives can be truly changed.
The work we do through The Water Project is for the common good of the general public. We are NOT a religious organization.
The reason we do this work is because The Water Project was founded on Christian values. We believe this distinction allows us to work with people of all backgrounds and faiths for the benefit of all people. Our projects do not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, ethnic or religious background. We serve others.
These essential, life-sustaining water projects speak to what loving one's neighbor truly means.
We exist to see the world changed through this love and hope to unlock the potential of our neighbors.