How did The Water Project get started?

When we heard firsthand from our friends in Kenya about the devastating effects of water inaccessibility, we had to act.

We began our work to alleviate suffering in August of 2006. It started with a few inspired teens in a youth group engaging with the adults in their lives. This group, which originated in Saint John, NB, Canada, grew to what The Water Project is today, reaching thousands of new people daily with a compelling call to action. 

We are now located in Concord, NH, and are approaching 1,000,000 people served through over 2,000 water projects.

All of us have experienced the impact a few voices can have. We know every effort and contribution matters. That's why we continue to tell others: so they might do the same.

We ask everyone to come with us and work toward a common goal of water access for the 771,000,000 people throughout the world who today suffer needlessly without it. We ask you to consider how you might be a part of this effort with us.

Alone, we can accomplish some, but together, we can accomplish much.

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